Or anything else that contains the word "Obama." They voted, in the House today, to impose a delay on the individual mandate. The President ordered a one-year delay in the employer coverage requirement, right? So it's only fair to delay the individual mandate. Stands to reason.
Hearing a Republican appeal to Reason is richly comic, of course. There's not even a need to list the GOP's positions that defy science, facts, the best interests of the USA, fairness, compassion, even their favorite "common sense." So why not make a mockery of reasonableness?
The fact is, Obamacare (aka the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) is the law; and though the House may vote 40 more times, to go with the 40 previous attempts, to repeal it, the law won't be repealed. It is becoming clear that Obamacare may be the worst nightmare of the Republican Party: a federal program that works, and that involves more regulation, and that helps millions of people --and that was a Democratic initiative.
The insurance rates for various companies serving New York, released today, make it clear how far some premiums are likely to fall. Each new piece of evidence that the PPACA may be onto something, that it may actually achieve greater coverage at lower prices, must feel like a stake in the heart of the Tea Party. So it's understandable that the GOP just can't let go of the illusion that, somehow, they can eliminate it, ar, better yet, make it fail miserably. They have tried starving it of funds for implementation, They've held hostage virtually every Obama Administration appointment. They've spread misinformation far and wide, including the canard that Obamacare will bankrupt the government, that the deficit, already huge, will soar ...
... what's that? the deficit has fallen by half, and looks to continue heading down? In June the government actually ran a surplus?
Ignore the man behind the curtain! the facts, to paraphrase a famous Alan Greenspan lament, are misbehaving; and that tends to make people disregard what I am telling them.
That seems to be a particular affliction on the Right, these days. Better go over to the House floor and vote against something; it feels so good.
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