Friday, May 18, 2012

A Distant Hope

Fresh news on the Tenth Amendment: The Arizona Secretary of State has requested that the State of Hawaii "officially" confirm that it has the president's birth certificate.

The Secretary, one Ken Bennett, hastened to say that he himself was not a "birther;" he's just accommodating the request of a constituent. One presumes that the youth of Arizona are taught, in their English-only-at-all-costs public schools, that "constituent" and "whacko" are synonyms. If only I were a "constituent," I could request that Mr. Bennett apply to the Government of Mars that Sheriff Joe Arpaio was not, in fact, born in that jurisdiction. Lack of an appropriate response would presumably bar Mr. Arpaio from ballot access.

But please, please, Hawaii: don't respond. Let Arizona keep Obama off the ballot. Expose the crazies for who they are, and let the state go on record as refusing to put the President of the United States on its ballot for the 2012 election.

Is that too much to hope for?